Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Just take it slow

This view from my windows helps me slow down and enjoy life.
I am one of the most impatient, fast moving people that you will ever meet. My ADHD has me constantly fidgeting. My speed pedal frequently goes to the metal and, like most people, I loathe waiting in lines.

Alaska is changing this.

Here in Juneau, it’s a much slower pace and I have to learn to adjust. That’s one of my goals in moving here: slowing down and just enjoying the journey, without worrying about the destination. Besides, right now, I am not working. I don’t start my job until Thursday. I literally have nowhere to go and no reason to be in a hurry.

The main road in an out of town has a max speed of 55. Most people here abide by the speed limit and, because there is not much traffic, we seem to be able to travel just fine. Very few horns blare, There has been one reported accident in the two plus weeks that I have been here.

But, you know, even the lines at stores move slow. The tellers check your item with no real sense of urgency. Part of this, I am sure, is due to a lack of competition, but, I also think it’s the slower pace of life here in general. People talk slower, walk slower, drive slower. Most shops in downtown Juneau don’t open before ten and are usually closed by 6. Most are closed on Sundays. This time of year, the sun is up for about five and a half hours a day, yet the slow pace seems fitting.

Because of the limited errand daylight hours, I find myself more efficient. I don’ waste time lollygagging as I would back in Portland, but part of that stems from the fact that everything is so close and I know there won’t be any traffic.

I know I’m contradicting myself here. But, trust me, I am making a conscious effort to slow down. While removing snow from my steps, I catch myself stopping and looking behind me at Mt. Juneau. It still stuns me. I swear, it’s a movie back drop. I’ll just stand there and look at it. I look up at the sky and he Big Dipper is directly overhead. Big Dipper Writing and Editing is the name of my writing/editing business, so, that makes me smile.

I wake up open my curtains to a view that can’t even be described by pictures and drink my coffee in the window by the chair. Maybe I read a book. But I slow down. I don’t start my day with a bang, I simply sit and relax and let the beauty soak in.

I stop to greet total strangers, I learn peoples’ names, I find out their stories, I find inspiration in nature and in other people and I find myself checking my bad attitude before it has a chance to take root.

I hope all these little changes last. I hope I will continue to drive a little slower, walk a little slower, be less impatient, and simply stop and reflect on God, on nature, on other people. Life is too short for impatience and speed. Alaska is helping me slow down and simply enjoy the beauty around and within. 

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